Goodbye Alberta Health Services — hello Alberta Hospital Services. On Tuesday, legislation was tabled to set up the restructuring of Alberta’s health-care system and those on the frontlines ...
Just south of the town of Taber, Alta., known for its potatoes, corn, and rich soil, the crew at North Paddock Farms finish their lunch, slide on their gloves, and get to work. Russet Burbank ...
Alberta has been long viewed as a bastion of affordability — one of Canada’s last, particularly in recent years. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. But that narrative is facing ...
One of the most iconic members of the Alberta legal community is hanging up his robes. Justice Peter Martin, who went from star Crown prosecutor and Law Society president, to being a long-standing ...
The province has released more information on its plan to break up Alberta Health Services and replace it with four sector-based health agencies. AHS will be replaced by agencies for primary care ...
A new Alberta bill seeks to give ministers full oversight of the health care system, make labour-related amendments and enable the province to move forward with its refocusing plan. We apologize ...
Bill 22, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, would enable the government to take the necessary next steps to refocus the province’s health care system. The new act would ensure Albertans have a ...
OTTAWA, May 13 (Reuters) - The western oil- and grain-producing province of Alberta on Monday urged Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to do all he could to head off potentially devastating ...
David J. Climenhaga is an award-winning journalist, author, post-secondary teacher, poet and trade union communicator. He blogs at Follow him on X at @djclimenhaga. Edmonton ...
Just as the last vestiges of winter gave way to a few days of warm weather, smoke has clouded Alberta's skies, bringing with it a foreboding memory of summers past, as wildfires continue to ...
Evacuation alerts have been expanded to include several new communities Saturday as firefighters battle strong winds in their effort to douse the flames. In the Fort McMurray, Alta., region, the ...
Alberta NDP leadership hopefuls have signed up tens of thousands of new members ahead of next month’s vote to replace political heavyweight Rachel Notley, bringing the number to a historic high ...