Space-enthusiasts who are on a quest to find alien life might have had a possible breakthrough in this arduous or as some might claim futile mission. Recently, some scientists have claimed to have ...
The rise of AI might explain why the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has yet to detect the signatures of advanced technical civilizations elsewhere in the galaxy. This article was ...
ALIENS might be out there in our own solar system – and Nasa means to find them. The space agency is working on a series of groundbreaking missions to uncover evidence of extraterrestrial life.
Racing lost another link to its past with former bookmaker Alf Blamey's passing last Saturday morning. Blamey, 93, provided odds for a couple of Victorian meetings in each week's edition of Winning ...
If you’re into UFOs and aliens, the last five years or so have been fantastic. There’s been a big shift in the public discourse around UFOs and alien life, thanks in large part to a 2019 story ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has progressed at an astounding pace over the last few years. Some scientists are now looking towards the development of artificial superintelligence (ASI)—a form of ...
If we found a sign of alien life in space, one of Professor Lisa Kaltenegger’s first questions would be: what colour is it? But even such a world-leading expert in the hunt for habitable worlds ...
It was in June of last year when reports arose of a family who claimed aliens had crash-landed in their backyard. While many people have, understandably deemed the story as ludicrous, one expert ...
Artist rendering of the view on a Hycean world. Media outlets widely reported last fall that a possible sign of life had been found on another planet. The evidence came from the James Webb Space ...
“In space no can hear you scream,” but in a packed theater everyone can. Alien movies have made audiences do just that since Ridley Scott first brought a Xenomorph to the big screen in 1979.
Two surveys of millions of stars in our galaxy have revealed mysterious spikes in infrared heat coming from dozens of them. Astronomers say this could be evidence for alien civilisations ...
The Xenomorph from the Alien film franchise is one of the coolest, most nefarious movie monsters ever hatched, with its acid blood, mouths-within-mouths, and diabolical claws. It pretty much ...