Archetype Entertainment's first AAA sci-fi action-adventure RPG, EXODUS, has released new information and concept art focused on the Silicates. Humanity faces the threat of extinction due to the ...
Interest in life among the stars has attracted wide attention from the public and politicians in the past few years, with new investigations examining alleged sightings of extraterrestrial phenomena.
Scientists claim to have detected signs of a long-hypothesised alien power-generation technology in the Milky Way galaxy, hidden away in a trove of astronomical data. These hypothetical “Dyson ...
There is always a question about life forms other than humans out there in the Universe. Recently, an international team of researchers, based in Sweden, India, the US and the UK, devised a way to ...
Astronomers have identified seven star systems in our galaxy that could potentially host a Dyson sphere — a hypothetical megastructure an alien civilization could build around a star or black ...
In the years immediately following the end of the Second World War, a spate of observations of mysterious airborne objects began to accumulate around the globe. Similar Unidentified Flying Objects ...
Private sector life insurer HDFC Life Insurance on Wednesday announced its highest-ever bonus of Rs 3,722 crore on participating plans to nearly 22.23 lakh policyholders. In participating or 'par' ...
This led to wild speculation that we could have found a "Dyson sphere" – a theoretical megastructure built by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization around a star to harness its energy. Of ...
Researchers have identified at least seven stars in our galaxy that may be surrounded by super-advanced alien megastructures, known as Dyson spheres. However, this is not the only explanation for ...
Scientists say they may have discovered evidence of alien life – in the form of enormous Dyson spheres. Dyson spheres are hypothesised structures that surround entire stars to absorb their ...
Scientists say they may have discovered evidence of alien life – in the form of enormous Dyson spheres. Dyson spheres are hypothesised structures that surround entire stars to absorb their ...