Cottage gardens look delightfully informal, with a mix of perennials, annuals, and herbs spilling out of beds and over walkways. But, the seemingly casual mix of plants is backed by careful planning.
Alchemilla mollis or lady's mantle A close-up picture of mantle flowers, or alchemilla mollis, which are hardy and easy to grow (Image: scu) According to Lee, this plant stands as the "ultimate no ...
If you're after a bold splash of acid yellow, consider planting Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle) seeds. On his podcast, Alan revealed that this daring plant is also effective at keeping slugs away.
Although slugs may hide under the leaves, they won't eat them. If you want to inject a dose of yellow into your garden, consider planting Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle) seeds. On his podcast, Alan ...
Nobody wants slugs munching away in the garden all summer - but fortunately, there are some varieties that the pests hate. Gardening expert Alan Titchmarsh says that there are four key plants to ...
If you're not convinced that sun-loving plants are enough to keep slugs away, then try planting Alchemilla. This plant, also ...
It's well worth identifying your soil type – this one is clay – to ensure you plant accordingly, with species that will thrive Credit: Omphoto / Alamy When it comes to soil, three things will ...
Unlike other royal family members who chose colorful and luxurious species, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, opted for the humble foliage plant Alchemilla Mollis. She describes this foliage as, "a ...