Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United would all be on fewer points this season if VAR was not in use. VAR has divided opinion ever since it's introduction to the Premier League, as incidents ...
Are you ready for the full gamut of opinions on VAR over the next few weeks? Because you’re going to get it whether you like it or not. Premier League clubs will already be discussing the use of ...
Has the time come for VAR itself to be overturned? The controversial technology faces a make-or-break vote from Premier League clubs next month which will determine its future in the English game.
Premier League clubs will vote on whether or not to scrap the video assistant referee (VAR) system next month after Wolverhampton Wanderers formally submitted a resolution, triggering a vote on ...
Liverpool support VAR’s continued use in the Premier League next season despite calls from Wolves to scrap it. The PA news agency understands the Reds want the system to continue and improve.
Wolverhampton Wanderers sent a flicker of joy around much of the footballing world on Wednesday evening when it emerged they had triggered a vote about the future of VAR in the Premier League.
Wolves' proposal to scrap VAR is very unlikely to succeed, Sky Sports News has been told. A number of sources have suggested they think it is very unlikely 14 clubs will vote in favour of the ...
Wolverhampton Wanderers submitted a proposal to get rid of the system – with manager Gary O'Neil being left frustrated with VAR on several occasions this season Credit: PA/Mike Egerton Premier ...
Premier League clubs will vote on whether to scrap the video assistant referee (VAR) from the start of next season following a proposal put forward by Wolverhampton Wanderers. The vote is set to ...
Premier League clubs will vote on whether to scrap the video assistant referee (VAR) from the start of next season following a proposal put forward by Wolverhampton Wanderers. The vote is set to ...
VAR has never been an easy bedfellow for English football. The Premier League was the last of Europe's major leagues to adopt it in 2019-20, and it's never been accepted. It hasn't got to grips ...
Premier League clubs will be given the chance to scrap VAR from next season when they vote on the controversial review system at their annual general meeting next month. Wolves have submitted a ...