SPAIN’S state weather agency AEMET has issued an alert for parts of Malaga and Granada tomorrow. The forecasters have put a ...
HEAT warnings have been issued across parts of southern Spain today.  Friday looks set to be one of the hottest days of the ...
The Spanish State Meteorological Agency has issued heat warnings. In Portugal, the Directorate-General for Health in Lisbon ...
Spain's national forecaster AEMET has issued a warning for very warm temperatures of possibly 40 degrees this weekend in ...
The Spanish State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has issued heat warnings, with the hot weather persisting for a couple of ...
Spain endured its second-hottest year on record in 2023, which followed on from its hottest year ever since records began more than six decades ago, the AEMET weather agency said on Thursday.
The Spanish Meteorology Agency AEMET has issued weather warnings for certain areas, warning that thermometers could hit a ...
Spain endured its second-hottest year on record in 2023, which followed on from its hottest year ever since records began more than six decades ago, the AEMET weather agenc... Already a Barron's ...
Holiday hotspots in Spain are set to be hit by heavy rain and thunderstorms this week. Yellow weather warnings have been ...