Bernardo Raul Castro Mata, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, was ordered held without bail on attempted murder and other ...
Countries including Venezuela and Cuba accept migrants deported by U.S. officials from Mexico, the Mexican president said on ...
The US Coast Guard offloaded over 4,800 pounds of cocaine at Port Everliving, worth approximately $63 million.
Venezuela’s opposition is ramping up lobbying efforts in Washington, trying to persuade the Biden administration to intervene ...
Bernardo Raul Castro Mata, identified as a 19-year-old illegal immigrant from Venezuela, is accused of shooting two NYPD ...
Members of Venezuela's political opposition and the boards that supervise state-owned refiner Citgo Petroleum have met U.S.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Wednesday called for Venezuela to allow for a large presence of international observers during the country's upcoming presidential elections, where ...
Mexico’s leftist president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum is a big question mark, but here are some clues about how she may rule. | ...
Two Citgo oil executives detained for nearly five years in Venezuela have sued their former employer for more than $400 ...
U.S. officials have met with representatives from Venezuela’s political opposition to discuss a potential pause of the ...
Venezuela’s government is doubling down on efforts to prevent the bolivar from weakening and causing a spike in inflation ...