The leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Primate Elijah Ayodele has said that fasting and prayers won’t be able to solve the economic hardship in Nigeria because leaders are the problems of ...
Gandhi had perfected the use of civil disobedience against the British Raj. JP used the same tactics to fight against the native authoritarianism of a Congress Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, no ...
National Security Minister Ben-Gvir demanded an investigation against Labor Party Chairman Yair Golan for incitement, urging ...
Esteban Ocon's exit from the Alpine F1 team was due to a natural end of his relationship with the team, over the incident ...
brought Henry David Thoreau’s notion of civil disobedience into bold relief. Thoreau understood that resistance to immoral or ...
From the 1960s Vietnam War protests to the 1980s Anti-Apartheid Movement, college campuses have historically been spaces where youth-led civil disobedience occurs. However, there has been an ...
Don't forget, he spent three days in the stomach of a whale. It’s more expensive to disobey than to obey. Quantify the cost of your disobedience. You can't flee from God's presence; return all ...
A bag of unused diapers arrived at the New London County State’s Attorney’s Office last month. There was no message attached ...
They were also engaged in civil disobedience in opposition to U.S. foreign policy. They were co-founders of the Bloomfield Citizens for Global Security. Jean preceded him in death in 2002. He leaves ...
And the few legal arguments argued in the report lack a minimally coherent position in that it states that the norm is unconstitutional, but approves its application to those convicted or prosecuted ...
He will also go to court for a contempt/willful disobedience charge on June 4. The investigation remains ongoing and FSPD ...