Larry Yando has starred as Ebenezer Scrooge in the Goodman Theatre’s annual production of “A Christmas Carol,” staring out from the back of CTA buses and delighting downtown audiences with his ...
Rivalries aren't particularly a new thing in the Nigerian entertainment industry. in this article has highlighted ...
The Ebenezer Senior High School, in the Greater Accra Region, has emerged winners of the first edition of Thespians Second Cycle Drama Competition for secondary and technical schools in the Greater ...
A video of actor Dele Odule with Juju musician Ebenezer Obey at an event recently reemerged online Dele Odule, who is a ...
A video of Dele Odule with Juju musician Ebenezer Obey at an event recently reemerged online. Dele Odule, who is a veteran in the Yoruba movie industry, ...
Henry enjoyed fall harvesting in Illinois, winters in Florida, and numerous trips to Europe. He was an active member of Ebenezer Lutheran Church and VFW Post 9800, and a founding member of the German ...