The Anglo-Saxon or White race constitutes the majority population in Australia. This demographic dominance significantly influences the multicultural fabric of the country, with those of European desc ...
Finance Minister Michael McGrath said that despite immigration being raised by voters during election campaigning, there was “no massive breakthrough for the far right” based on tallies on Saturday ...
With the count now underway at the Wicklow Local Election count centre, Peir Leonard and Joe Behan, two of the early ...
These bods, talking about Hedgie’s vow to send illegal immigrants on flights to Rwanda, ventured into a bet. Morgan bet ...
Ian, who runs the local butcher's shop, is not without compassion. 'I've got no problem with people who want to come here and ...
The French President has urged French voters to avoid the "mistakes" of Britons who did not vote against Brexit.
Lifelong Conservative voters have never been more disillusioned with their party. The surprise victory of David Cameron over ...
Matthew Lockwood’s new book This Land of Promise is a terrific, clear-eyed and balanced history that cuts through today’s ...
Reform UK’s Nigel Farage won the seven-party BBC debate on Friday night, according to a snap viewer poll.
Nigel Farage could only look on, as Stephen Flynn ripped Brexit apart - and called the Reform leader a 'snake oil salesman'.
We often hear stories of survival from Ghanaian immigrants living abroad. While some are thriving, others are still ...
The average audience tuned in across BBC One and the BBC News Channel on Friday evening to watch seven politicians clash.