Over time, knee cartilage can deteriorate due to years of wear and tear. Since the knees take an enormous amount of pressure and stress as we move about, cartilage loss can lead to disabling knee ...
Continuing physical therapy for up to three months following a total knee replacement may be beneficial, according to the ...
FOLLOWING the row between Kerry Katona and Lucy Beaumont, the comedian who claimed it should be “illegal” to pierce a baby’s ...
Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Orthopedic Research Institute, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China The Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-Friendly and Fire-Safety ...
A pensioner endured a "holiday from hell" after she was left with dozens of mosquito bites that became infected due to a lack of running water at her hotel complex. Marjorie McCance, 66 ...
A mass of fungal spores builds up in the abdomen of each infected cicada. Eventually, the back end of the cicada — including its genitals — falls off. In its place, a white fungal plug is ...
Neil Kerr, a former civil servant, contracted HIV and hepatitis C from infected blood products, which were given to him to treat his haemophilia - a blood clotting disorder. After his death ...
Children infected with whooping cough might not develop symptoms for up to three weeks, experts warned today. Almost 3,000 cases of pertussis, or the 100-day cough, have already been recorded in ...
No parent wants to risk their child having a serious infection, least of all while still in the womb. However, the immune response to a viral infection during pregnancy could also affect the ...
Outer cartilage piercings like the helix ... Getting a piercing will of course increase your risk of an infection because you’re creating a ‘wound’ of sorts. This is why it’s important to get it done ...
The Columbia River watershed in southeastern B.C. has been declared an infected area for whirling disease, a parasite that causes deformities in fish and has a high mortality rate. The declaration ...
Unfortunately, it's quite common. In fact, a meniscal tear is one of the most frequently occurring cartilage injuries of the knee. Cartilage is connective tissue that protects your joints and bones.