A high ranking NYPD Internal Affairs official pressured an active duty lieutenant to withdraw his account of sexual ...
A Bristol man who was onboard a Gaza aid convoy boat that was attacked has spoken of his experience 14 years on. Sakir ...
The Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) organized a march to commemorate those who lost their lives in Israel's attack on ...
Tens of thousands of people gathered in Istanbul to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the Israeli attack on the Mavi ...
El Niño weather event, marked by seawater temperatures exceeding all previous records, intensified further with the ...
Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again voiced the initiative to adopt a new constitution on the "island of democracy and freedom" in the Sea of Marmara near Istanbul ...
The significant increase in tariffs to be imposed by the United States on Chinese electric vehicles EVs highlights Washington ...
On the shores of the Sea of Marmara, a grey and turquoise factory built at breakneck speed is churning out electric cars by ...