By making it easier to enroll and access financial services such as buy now/pay later lending, the search giant hopes to ...
The tech giants' roles in the rapidly developing AI market will be investigated by the Justice Department and the Federal ...
Google has released its AI-supported research and writing assistant NotebookLM for users in around 200 countries outside the US. NotebookLM works in a similar way to ChatGPT from OpenAI or Co-Pilot ...
The Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission have reportedly reached an agreement that will allow them to ...
If you Google “phases of a startup,” you’ll see lots of up-and-to-the-right charts and rocket analogies. After launching a ...
U.S. antitrust enforcers have decided to investigate the roles Microsoft, Nvidia and OpenAI have played in the artificial ...
The company has revamped the inner workings of its electric SUV and pickup truck in a bid to reach profitability -- and make ...
Microsoft defends the Windows Recall feature in the face of questions about data privacy and security, but not so ...
The U.S. Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission have established an agreement to investigate potential antitrust ...
While testifying as part of Hunter Biden's trial, Hallie Biden said she went from not knowing what crack was to accompanying ...
LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — Google Fiber has received the green light to expand its service to the city of Las Vegas. City council ...
South Carolina's parks department must respond to a subpoena from Google regarding its use of the tech giant's display ...