館長陳之漢在台中市北屯區開設的健身房,今發生貨車撞進健身房的驚險意外!監視器畫面也曝光,一輛藍色小貨車先是開到館長健身房對向車道前,接著駕駛便動也不動,讓車停在路中央,經過6秒鐘後,直接左轉衝上健身房前的階梯,再撞上健身房大門。由於當時館內有不少民眾 ...
事實上,林更新2011年就畢業於上海戲劇學院,年滿36歲的他今(2024)年錄取母校的博士班,讓不少網友紛紛表示祝賀。根據該校此前發布的招生簡章,林更新考取的博士學位學制為4年,在校學習年限3-6年,學習方式為全日制。恰巧他在《玫瑰的故事》飾演劉亦菲 ...
As the likes of Elon Musk continue to promote their grand plans to one day send humans to Mars, new research suggests that ...
As for his brother, Jason Kelce, he noted that he is considering buying a minority stake in his former team, the Philadelphia ...
A 59-year-old woman has died after being hit by a car in a garden centre car park. The incident happened just before 14:30 ...
Josh Duhamel is a proud boy dad to his kids Axl and Shepherd.
Citizens within the M.D. of Taber are invited to participate in a Land Management Plan Stakeholder Engagement gathering from 2 to 4 p.m. or 7 to 9 p.m. on June 13 at the Main Operations and ...
英業達在這波AI大勢站穩「一軍」地位,囊括美系4大雲端業者訂單,更握有輝達的液冷散熱訂單,不過小股東仍質疑公司獲利偏低,長達一個多小時的質問聲浪中,高齡83歲的英業達創辦人葉國一忍不住起身說:「小股東的聲音就是我的心聲。」 ...
體育中心/黃崇超、楊淨報導大聯盟怪力男非常多,在比賽中因為揮擊過猛,球棒噴飛也時有所聞,但是藍鳥隊的小葛雷諾(Vladimir Guerrero ...
Darlene Wroe Reporter TEMAGAMI - A new blue box program being implemented in stages across Ontario is expected to be a little more complex in Temagami. Because the community has different needs for ...
Todd Haynes has been set as writer and director of “Trust,” a limited series starring Kate Winslet that is currently in ...