Bankinter | Telefónica (TEF) has beaten MasOrange and Vodafone in the government's rural 5G plan called UNICO Redes Activas.
Intermoney: A world leader in a sector without competition, with high barriers to entry, with great capacity for price ...
Aena (AENA) is interested in acquiring the UK airports of Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton owned by Ferrovial and the ...
China has long been a focal point for global companies, European ones included. However, a shift seems to be happening with ...
The high percentage of the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion is a problem that Spain is unable to tackle.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 0.3% in May compared to the previous month and raised its year-on-year rate by three ...
Link Securities | Sacyr (SCYR) and OHLA (OHLA), together with five other rivals, have been shortlisted in a tender in Peru for a toll road concession that will require an investment of $1,026 million ...
Bankinter| The Shanghai local government has approved measures to support the real estate sector: it is reducing the amount of the mandatory down payment and the interest rate on mortgages. The ...
March | Industrial production costs continue to fall in Spain, albeit at a slower pace. April’s data showed a -0.2% monthly fall in industrial production prices, bringing the year-on-year decline in ...
The strict application of Pedro Sánchez’s “resistance manual” generates ridiculous situations such as the one experienced yesterday in the Congress of Deputies, when the PSOE parliamentary group – in ...
Alphavalue / Divacons | MorningStar credit rating agency DBRS issued a new report last Friday on BBVA’s takeover bid for Sabadell banks in which it considers it to have “more pros than cons”. From a ...
Martin Wolburg (Generali AM) | Markets remain concerned in the home stretch of the fight against inflation that central banks should only reluctantly ease rates. Recently, ECB Governing Council ...