The identification of TNKS and MCPH1 as key regulators offers new avenues for understanding and potentially mitigating metabolic diseases.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a nosocomial pathogen that causes severe and life-threatening pneumonia. According to the WHO, it ...
Launching a company in today’s competitive (and litigious) spatial biology market may seem risky. But the new company, ...
An international research team headed by scientists at the University of Cambridge has grown hundreds of intestinal epithelial organoids (IEOs), or ‘mini-guts’ to help understand the role that ...
Huntington’s disease causes neurons in parts of the brain to gradually break down and die. The disease attacks areas of the ...
A first-in-man study, headed by teams at the Nuffield department of surgical sciences and the department of oncology, at the University of Oxford, Oxford University Hospitals and Oxford NIHR ...
Nature Medicine selected Mone Zaidi's work on FSH and body fat as one of the eight “Notable Advances” in biomedicine.
Several cell therapies have received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and there is significant excitement ...
The improved gene-editing approach combines prime editors with a more efficient recombinase to insert or substitute ...
As the aging population increases, the race to unpack the molecular understanding of aging heats up. The rapamycin (mTOR) ...
There is a puzzling controversy in the gene editing community whirling around a comparison of two relatively new, very ...
Mixed signals impair communications of all sorts—including communications between immune cells struggling to fend off cancer. According to a new study led by scientists at the University of California ...