A Palestinian Arab suspect approached the security fence near one of the communities in the Gaza envelope on Tuesday and was ...
US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield urges Hamas to accept ceasefire and hostage release deal proposal which was ...
The City of Amsterdam announced today (Tuesday) that it has started the process of replacing all the Chinese-made cameras in the city. Sources from the Dutch capital added that the reason for this is ...
Magen David Adom teams transferred a critically injured 8-year-old to the Barzilai Hospital, while continuously performing ...
On Sunday, NCSY Israel, the youth movement of English-speaking olim in Israel, part of OU Israel, the leading organization in ...
Ditza Or, whose son Avinatan is held captive by Hamas in Gaza, met her son's girlfriend Noa Argamani, who was rescued in ...
In honor of Shavuot, this week’s Devar Torah focuses on the following custom: Rama writes in Chapter 494 of Shulchan Aruch ...
Israel has asked the United States to help in efforts to deter Hezbollah. Following difficulties in achieving a political ...
Ohio’s attorney general obtained a court order this week prohibiting the financially strapped Hebrew Union College-Jewish ...
Seven weeks shall you count…then you will celebrate the Festival of Shavuot to Hashem your G-d…and you will rejoice before ...
Dr. Michael Wise is a founder and investor in numerous technology companies. He is a graduate of YU and holds a PhD .in ...
On May 27, Israel submitted a proposal to Hamas for a deal to release hostages in exchange for a ceasefire, which was hidden ...