Mobility disabilities impair a person’s ability to move or perform certain physical tasks. They may include amputation, ...
A recent meta-analysis of existing studies suggests that garlic consumption could have beneficial effects on a person's ...
Share on Pinterest Surgeons say bariatric surgery is the most effective method for weight loss management. Daniel ...
Researchers report that vigorous physical activity accounts for only 4% of adults waking time while sedentary behavior ...
Researchers say the Planetary Health Diet, which emphasizes vegetables, fruits, and plant-based sources of protein, reduces ...
Share on Pinterest A new model could spot signs of dementia years before diagnosis, according to new research. Bisual ...
New research confirms that one in every six to seven people who discontinue antidepressant medication experience withdrawal ...
A recent study in mice suggests that bone marrow transplants from younger individuals may help fight Alzheimer's disease. The ...
Dry socket can occur following a tooth extraction when a blood clot at the extraction site dislodges or fails to form.
Researchers say there appears to be links between the artificial sweetener xylitol, a type of sugar alcohol, and an increased ...
Consuming chili peppers more frequently may be associated with a greater risk of obesity, new research suggests.
Researcher say there is a slight yet significant heart attack risk for people with genetic heart conditions who consume ...