Katherine Semenyuk gave birth to her fifth child in a bomb shelter in Lutsk, Ukraine, the day that Russia began its invasion ...
Searchers announced Thursday they’ve discovered what they believe is the wreckage of World War II ace Richard Bong’s plane.
Austin will transfer authority to Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks while he is indisposed, the Pentagon said.
Vietnam's long range recon teams recount the breathtaking stories and tremendous heartbreak they experienced in a war-torn ...
During the Vietnam War, the Army sent six-man teams into the heart of the jungle to hunt enemy forces. These are their stories.
Younger, unmarried troops were more likely to get vasectomies following the 2022 Supreme Court decision that struck down ...
Veterans of Vietnam's long range reconnaissance patrols describe how they got into LRRP units in Shadows in the Jungle - Ep. 1 "I'd like to offer you a job..." ...
With the 80th anniversary of the Allies storming the beaches of Normandy approaching, groups get ready to mark the event with ...
As the Pentagon increases its focus on prepping for potential conflict in the islands of the Pacific, the U.S teams up with ...
Aimlock shows off a host of new drone tech featuring everything from rifles to machine guns mounted to drone systems.
The VA wants vets who submitted an 'intent to file' to finish submitting their benefits claims before many hit a summer ...
On Friday, Rep. John James, R-Mich., and Susan Wild, D-Pa., introduced legislation to boost financial coverage of ...