Intentional periods of sexual abstinence can help us better understand the nature of our desire. If we do Dry January, why ...
Considering the difficulty of navigating the modern dating world, it's no wonder that many people are entering their ...
The description of withdrawal from cannabis in one man's diary is a powerful reminder that cannabis can be addictive.
The Biden administration has significantly opened the door to drug treatment strategies that help reduce substance use, even ...
The Star Worldwide (English) on MSN2d
Unable to cheat on my Mzungu bae
Without meaning to, philandering doctor settles into a life of abstinence Diary,I’m well aware it’s not the best policy to toot one’s horn in polite society. But since no one else will, I have to give ...
We are the people who used to smoke. There would be many more of us if the world weren’t exposed to massive amounts of ...