The USDA and HHS are launching a combined $101 million program to combat the spread of bird flu following the quickly ...
Health officials are monitoring a new outbreak of bird flu after reports of transmissions to humans from dairy cows.
People keeping hobby chickens, which often mingle in the yard with wild birds, may want to avoid direct contact with their ...
The good news is—for now, at least—public health experts don’t see this latest bout of avian influenza evolving into the ...
Pigs are capable of harboring both human flu and bird flu, allowing the viruses to mix and match parts of their genetic ...
Pigs are capable of harboring both human flu and bird flu, allowing the viruses to mix and match parts of their genetic ...
Bird Flu Might Be The Next Pandemic; Stop Treating Menopause Like It’s A Secret. Editorial writers discuss these topics and others. The Washington Post: If H5N1 ...
The FDA made clear that the tests showed that the products didn’t contain a live virus that could make people sick. In their ...
The immense potential benefits of biotechnology are profoundly vulnerable to misuse. Better screening of synthetic DNA orders is a key barrier to bad actors.
Managing diseases in livestock in a country the size of the U.S. is a huge challenge due to the frequent and extensive movement of animals across the nation. That means local animal disease problems ...
It’s also difficult to know how virulent the disease would be, though some experts suspect it could cause illness more severe ...
Officially, only one person has caught bird flu during the current outbreak among dairy cattle, but experts are hearing of others getting sick. The U.S. doesn't have an easy to way to detect cases.