Disfigured, awkward and clumsy, Claudius (10 BC – 54 AD / Reigned 41 – 54 AD) was the black sheep of his family and an unlikely emperor. Once in place, he was fairly successful, but his poor ...
The emperor Claudius concluded that the time was right to build an artificial port within Rome’s environs, one large enough to accommodate the demands of an ever-growing city. Portus was built ...
There had been upsets: Jews had been banished from Rome in 139 BC, again in 19 AD and during the reign of Claudius. However, they were soon allowed to return and continue their independent ...
Claudius Ptolemy was a Greek mathematician, astronomer and geographer who lived in the Egyptian city of Alexandria while under the rule of the Roman Empire. Much of medieval astronomy and ...
The first-century emperor Claudius did not leave the fledgling Roman Empire as he had found it: his contribution was to turn its developing institutions into an imperial tradition. But the ancient ...
RECHNITZ. Am 2. Juni 2018 präsentierten die Fotokünstlerin Lore Kuntner und Maler Claudius Schöner ihre Werke zum Thema Portraits in der Galerie Reichermühle in Rechnitz. Während Lore Kuntner ...
wurde am 11. Juni 1959 in Würzburg geboren. Abitur 1977 in Bamberg. Studium in München, Theater- und Politikwissenschaft; Volkswirtschaftslehre zum Ausgleich. Genauso wichtig war das Studium der ...
Claudius (Claude) war im 7. Jhdt Abt des Klosters Condat, wahrscheinlich auch Bischof von Besançon. + 6.6. um 700. Er gehört(e) in Frankreich zu den meistverehrten Heiligen..
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Claudius Claudius Raphael is an international DJ and music producer based in New York City. An enigmatic guide, eclectic storyteller and weaver of melodic emotions, Claudius has a remarkable track ...
Mehr geht nicht? Oh, doch. Beide leben in einer WG zusammen. Die Rede ist von Tim Seitz und Claudius Eckard. Beide Kicker lassen uns im OSTHESSEN|NEWS-Sportgespräch an ihren Emotionen teilhaben ...
Claude (Claudius) de la Colombière trat 1658 in Lyon in den Jesuitenorden ein und war bald ein geschätzter Volksprediger. Als Seelenführer der hl Margareta Maria Alacoque (16.10.) setzte er sich für ...