My husband and I split our time between New York City and New Orleans, which I’ve since learned makes us what’s affectionately known as New-News. When I’m in NYC, there’s not a week that g ...
Ke_-_Trichobatrachus_robustus_-_3.jpg]Wikimedia Commons[/url] 20 facts you might not know about 'John Wick' Mayra Flores raises twice as much as U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez in bid to unseat him ...
africanus ate fruits and foliage. Believed to be roughly the same size as A. afarensis, A. robustus had a large, "robust" (heavier, thicker) skull, as well as a jaw and large teeth that were well ...
But then in 2006, the rockhopper penguin began to be recognised as two different species, the southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) and the northern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes moseleyi).
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Shooting out of the surf, a southern sea lion bull nabs a southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) at Isla de los Estados. Southern rockhoppers venture offshore to catch fish, swimming ...
Crossin GT, Trathan PN, and Crawford RJM. 2012. The Macaroni Penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) and the Royal Penguin (E. schlegeli). In: Penguins: Natural History and Conservation (P Garcia-Borboroglu ...