The worm lizard is a subspecies of A.s. parkeri, a member of the amphisbaenians, which are a group of legless lizards that resemble earthworms. Like earthworms, they adapted to have smaller eyes ...
STARI - (Southern tick-associated rash illness) - Lone Star tick. Expanding, Lyme-like rash Rickettsia parkeri - Gulf coast tick, recently spotted in Arizona. It has an eschar (scab), as an early ...
In Texas, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and another emerging SFGR pathogen, Rickettsia parkeri, are known to cause human disease and likely represent a growing public health problem. We recently ...
Zhu, X.X., Zhang, W.Y. & Oliver, J.H. Jr. (1995) Immunocytochemical mapping of FMRFamide-like peptides in the argasid tick Ornithodoros parkeri and the ixodid tick Dermacentor variabilis. Experimental ...