The South American river turtle (Podocnemis expansa) has a shell that is 110 centimeters long. This turtle coexisted with early humans in the Amazon Based on specimens, this newly discovered ...
together with the approximately 110-centimeter-long South American river turtle (Podocnemis expansa) is one of the largest ...
A butterfly sits perched on the shell of an endangered yellow-spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis). The butterfly is drinking the turtle’s tears—a symbiotic behavior where the insect ...
IT has been known for a long time that the application of a ligature posterior to the brain in the larva of the blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala Meig., prevents the pupation of the posterior ...
Blowfly strike results from the opportunistic invasion of living tissue by the larvae of Lucilia sericata (greenbottle flies), Phormia terraenovae (blackbottle flies) and Calliphora erythrocephala ...