Figure 4 shows actual data from a population of the slider turtle (Pseudemys scripta), which exhibits Type II survivorship from ages one to fifteen years. Most individuals in populations with Type ...
It is also an effective control against some of the most problematic turfgrass weeds, such as dollar weed (Hydrocotyle umbellata), Florida betony (Stachys floridana), and field garlic (Allium ...
This distinct subspecies has three scientific names, (Puma concolor coryi, Felis concolor coryi, and Felis concolor floridana). {NatureServe Explorer} Our Southwest Florida puma is a different ...
floridana (Twitchell, 1915) Late Eocene, Ocvala Limestone, Florida, USA. Oral plating (interambulacra shaded), from P. M. Kier 1968. Echinoids from the Middle Eocene Lake City Formation of Georgia.
When thinking of a college campus, one does not often imagine an ecologically rich forest that is home to hundreds of plant and animal species. But sitting at the heart of the University of ...