Legislation passed Wednesday allowing video to be used as evidence to seize vehicles involved in exhibition driving and ...
An illegal street racing event that resembled a military offensive was halted at 1 a.m. on a Sunday when sheriff’s deputies ...
The number of people arrested in a Birmingham police operation targeting exhibition driving and street racing continues to ...
They were busy chasing down street racers. They seized nine vehicles as part of the city's street racing ordinance. I've ...
Measures to toughen penalties for street racing and bolster school safety were among bills Gov. Ron DeSantis signed late ...
The Aurora Police Department is now taking action and said it will continue to crack down on street racing after recent a ...
In an attempt to catch up to the cars that were weaving in and out of traffic, the deputy reported driving up to 105 mph.
A proposed state bill increases the penalties for illegal street racing, including potential jail time and up to $3,000 in fines.
TAMPA, Fla. - State lawmakers are putting the brakes on street racing and intersection takeovers in Florida.
Jonathan Peña was sentenced to three years in prison for a fatal street racing crash in Portland, taking the life of Ashlee ...
Mayor Randall L. Woodfin announced Wednesday the passagehas released the following statement related to passage of ...
This week, a bill signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will increase penalties for people participating in street races and intersection takeovers.