Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Do contestants have access to tampons? Can they take Adderall? And do they get awful hangovers after the Merge Feast?
The host and executive producer also weighs in on the old-school "Rites of Passage" segment, saying, "I hope we never do it ...
The Brazilian government is discussing the creation of an "agricultural development zone" at the confluence of three states ...
US$1 million received as second advance of Signing Loan under option agreement with Hochschild Mining Plc ('Hochschild'). Total of US$8 million received with remaining US$7 million expected to be ...
What’s in the Bag? In David Andrew James’ new film, Bag of Lies, the clock is ticking for Matt (Patrick Taft), whose wife Claire (Brandi Botkin) is dying of a rare bone cancer. Having exhausted all ...