A mother in Indiana is facing three felony charges after police say she left her kids with the squatters for multiple days.
Every abandoned mall and warehouse site in our city was, at one time, an ancient and pristine forest.
Former Miss Nevada Elizabeth Hunterton finally met her birth mother over the weekend, decades after she was abandoned at an ...
Would she ever meet her birth parents? Meet Elizabeth Hunterton, a 44-year-old former Miss Nevada. She was that ...
Of 36 hospitals in Gaza, four have not been damaged by munitions, raided by the Israel Defense Forces or gone out of service, ...
Springfield is one step closer to getting a new restaurant with a historic backdrop. The two sisters, Sheri Perkins and Renee ...
It's going to be several more years until the school is transformed, but Sarah Collis says it looks "10 times better" already ...
Republican President Ronald Reagan and a Democratic-controlled Congress united to establish May as the nation’s first ...
A 5-year-old pup named Obie was discovered left in a wildlife sanctuary in Connecticut and is now up for adoption through the ...
The time-capsule home on Long Island still has clothing, bottles, photographs, and sewing materials that were left by the ...
The Colorado town of Kersey has been awarded a grant to rehabilitate an old grain storage elevator that may turn into a ...
We’re told a majority of the people who live at the facility have a disability or are senior citizens, or both.