The relentless search for a habitable planet beyond our solar system might have taken a significant leap forward. Researchers have discovered a planet with a higher habitability rating than Earth, ...
Rocks scrutinized by the Curiosity rover in an ancient, long-dried lakebed on Mars have revealed conditions likely to have ...
The James Webb Space Telescope's possible detection of biological chemicals on the exoplanet K2-18b may just have been ...
Lisa Kaltenegger’s “Alien Earths” describes intriguing and potentially habitable worlds that have only recently been ...
The results suggest that the sediments were formed in a river, delta, or near the shoreline of an ancient, habitable lake on ...
The findings come from NASA’s Curiosity, which is investigating Gale Crater, the site of an ancient lake. Researchers ...
A planet has been discovered lurking in the habitable zone of not one, but two, stars. This far-off planet, situated around 310 light-years from Earth, has been found to exist within the two-star ...
Researchers utilizing NASA's Curiosity rover's ChemCam instrument unveiled elevated manganese levels in lakebed rocks within ...
A new model of Enceladus "tiger stripe" fractures and their connection with the moon of Saturn's ice geysers and subsurface ...
The Curiosity Mars rover has detected intriguing chemical evidence, in the form of anomalous amounts of manganese oxide, ...
Gov. Jared Polis on Friday signed into a law a bill that expands existing statutes guaranteeing in rental agreements that a place is "fit for habitation." ...
Manganese-rich sandstones discovered by NASA’s Curiosity rover indicate there were once habitable conditions in the Gale ...