Let’s nurture enough of the Earth so that people once again can know they are part of a wild world disposed—and able—to host ...
Culinary standards are different throughout varying times and cultures, but this soup is causing contemporary controversy for ...
A new study finds that sea otters off California's coast adapt by using tools to find new food sources and prevent injuries.
It feels like summer is just around the corner. During the day, it gets pretty hot, making you feel like you could wear a ...
The study reveals female sea otters are more adept at using tools to access hard-shelled prey, aiding their survival.
Sure, you could fight crowds and pound the pavement to scour the best Memorial Day sales over the holiday weekend. Or, you ...
THERE has been a temporary closure of collecting abalone and diving for other benthic aquatic animals between Stanway Point ...
Some otters rely on tools to bust open hard-shelled prey items like snails, and a new study suggests this tool use is helping ...
Andreas Laskaratos tells Fortune Greece how Abalone Commodities managed to become one of the biggest energy players in the world in a short period of time.
After more than a year of planning and nearly a century of history, a new plaque in La Jolla’s Scripps Park honors the Bottom ...
A man has declared a particular Mother's Day meal to be the "most disappointing meal I ever had in my entire life". Taking to ...
A flood of stolen abalone trafficked to organised crime outfits — with outlaw bikies riding shotgun — is being enabled by jittery prosecutors and politicians wary of volatile Indigenous politics.