Abracadabra is a horror comedy that features the story of Carmen, a young woman who is in an abusive relationship. To help ...
The catchy song is actually a German tongue twister called “Barbaras Rhabarberbar,” or “Barbara’s Rhubarb Bar,” about a woman ...
With a wave of the hand and a flick of the wrist, a magician captivates audiences by turning the impossible into the possible. Sometimes the most enchanting magic can be created from the simplest ...
When attempting to access the second part of the game, you'll be asked for a password. The correct response is YO CLUS A VIOLETA ENCONTRARE.
This Sunday, May 19th, the Houdini Museum, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, is hosting their “Amazing Abracadabra Magic Show”.
Learn more.The best gifts for 8-year-olds help them engage in elaborate fantasy play or bury their noses in good books.It's an age when children are developing their physical skills and social ...
The power of suggestion helped Charlotte Cripps quit smoking 40 cigarettes a day 20 years ago – could the same mysterious ...
It's not always easy to get out of bed in the morning, but smart plugs can make it a little more pleasant. Use a smart plug ...
The winner of the Kentucky Derby, Mystik Dan, is one of the favorites, and he is just one of many winning horses trained in ...
Barry Berkelhammer, owner of Abracadabra Farms in Ocala, says 15 of his horses have made it to the Kentucky Derby in his 30-plus years in the industry. Two of his graduates are competing in Saturday’s ...
Rookie Weaver is an chance, but the prospect looms of shifting hooker Chris Randall to the halves and trying another random back or forward alongside him.
and “Abracadabra,” a song David is featured on and was released this year). During “Rise & Fall,” a 2003 collaboration with ...