Brazilian cuisine has its fair share of flavorful main dishes and is also known for bringing us the delicious Brazilian truffle, brigadeiro. These bite-sized chocolate wonders are made from just a few ...
Truffles are a delight but can be tricky. To make the simplest, but still delicious, truffles ever, all you need is cocoa ...
Brigadeiros are a national dish of Brazil. But is a one-time presidential candidate, who happened to be single and attractive ...
Rio de Janeiro's food scene is a melting pot of flavors. Two Brazilian chefs shared their favorite dishes, including feijoada ...
Often made at home in a blender or food processor and sold at traditional bakeries, bolo de cenoura comes together with just ...
Sweet Kiss Brigadeiro has closed its Country Club Plaza location at 213 W. 47th St. But the Brazilian sweets shop held a ...