Is $3.90 for white rice with long beans and brinjal reasonable? Stomp contributor Cai feels that his mother was overcharged ...
Stomper Cai feels that his mother was overcharged for the meal at Block 446 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10's Badaling coffee shop on ...
As per Dietician Arushi Gupta, Associate Dietician, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, brinjal contains vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for eye, heart, and brain health.
However, all sugar is not created equal, as fruits and vegetables are packed with natural sugars and starches that offer ...
Included will be Frenchy and the Punk, described on their Facebook page as a “Quirky New York based duo with Post-Punk, ...
Given the current state of climate change and the looming threat to food security, it's worth pondering whether outright opposition to GMO crops is a good idea ...
Brinjal, carrots, potatoes and French beans are sauteed, mashed and coated in a mix of flavourful spices. The small round cutlets are then pan-fried until golden brown. This crispy delight makes for a ...
Into that add 1 tsp mustard seeds, 7-8 curry leaves, 1 tsp of fenugreek (methi), 4 Tbsp chopped onions, 1 Tbsp ginger galic paste and 4 Tbsp chopped tomaotes. saute. 2. Add cubed brinjal. Saute. Add a ...
Are you now craving a recipe that includes an eggplant? General manager of Granny Mouse Country House & Spa, Sean Granger, shares a tasty smoked brinjal dish that you can try at home. Ingredients Baba ...
The 7-minute video of Collector Ayush Prasad at an eatery in Jalgaon to understand the recipe of ‘Bharit’ has turned a hit.
BANGLADESH has a wide diversity of rice and vegetables, but two genetically modified food crops — Bt brinjal and golden rice ...