Dinosaurs, of course, get big, they're baroquely diverse, with all kinds of weird adaptations, with armor, with predatory animals, with birdlike animals, long-necked things -- just a tremendous ...
The first teaser trailer for David Cronenberg's The Shrouds has been released. The Shrouds will have its world premiere at ...
B eing Werner Herzog, or just working with him, may be an occupational hazard. In his baroquely titled new memoir, Every Man ...
Radio Times reported that a pop star with a reputation for baroquely sexual stage shows could be among the contenders. Defending his decision, Mr Jackson told Radio Times: “I think one concert ...
On the other hand many languages get along perfectly well without it, so the baroquely ornamented forms we sometimes find come across as a gratuitous over-elaboration. This is especially apparent ...
Since the New York City-born duo opened shop here on a shoestring in 1996, they have draped the place in Persian rugs, baroquely oversized gilt mirrors, and Gaudi-esque curved glass vanities.
Past Best Bakery winners are typically sophisticated pâtisseries specializing in baroquely layered, impossibly rich cakes of gorgeous design. But this year we pay tribute to the less exalted ...
[29] Contrastingly, the organic forms, floriated masses, and snaking tendrils of Art Nouveau had become so Baroquely profuse that the pure beauty of the original style was choked. Art Deco replaced ...
The Book of Dreams (2005), Valente's baroquely layered fantasy tells an earthy tale of heroes and monsters. Banished from heaven, Japanese trickster god Susanoo-no-Mikoto, a kami with powers over ...
Inigo and Orlando start out as two baroquely named undergraduates at Goldsmiths, University of London, both from arty families (Whitfield’s dad used to run Christie’s, Philbrick’s was head ...