Social media users are claiming that Tampax tampons are smaller than previous iterations of the menstrual products, but the ...
The twist on the diaper rumor is reminiscent of the way Biden’s supporters have co-opted the phrase “Let’s go, Brandon,” and ...
Women's health startup Daye already has a "diagnostic tampon”, which uses PCR testing technology to allow women to screen ...
Disposable Diapers End-Use, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is expected to record a 6.7% CAGR and reach US$12.9 ...
Alright shoppers, let's face it. Your beach towel is probably looking worse for wear, so toss it like yesterday's news and ...
Disposable paper towels may be convenient, but they aren’t doing our already packed landfills any favors. These reusable ...
We sourced 20 beach towels to separate the scratchy from the soft and the thin from the luxurious. After our tests, we found ...
Consider sustainability, easy maintenance, and key features like super absorbency, quick drying, and anti-skid properties for ...
I’ve never enjoyed the feel of wearing a pad – the sticky edge always unsticks from my underwear and gets attached to my bum, while the feel of the material irritates my skin. Period pants feel much ...
As summer approaches, parents often seek ways to keep their little ones cool, relaxed, and comfortable amidst the heat. One ...