People say their tampons and pads have been shrinking, but there might be something else going on. View Entire Post › ...
This all comes down to the absorbency of the pair that you're wearing, so when you're looking to buy a pair – or a pack – think carefully about your flow and the different absorbencies each ...
These pads may be costly. They are available in several absorbencies and can prevent bacterial or fungal infections. You may consider non-invasive therapies, including peripheral tibial nerve ...
Each brand offers a variety of styles and absorbencies to suit different needs. For sports, it’s best to choose period underwear with a high absorbency level and a snug fit to prevent leaks ...
Wisconsin is one of 21 states that taxes menstruation supplies, similarly to other luxury items like makeup, electronics, and toys.In the United States, two in every five menstruat ...
Nicole Kinning is a contributor at WIRED, and focuses on testing mattresses and other home goods. Nicole has previously been on staff at Kansas City magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, and Hometalk.
The middle layer is absorbent and designed to hold up to five tampons’ worth of blood (different styles offer different absorbencies). The bottom layer is leak-resistant so as to minimize the ...
“Years of advertising showing women with tight white shorts rollerblading and having fun while on their periods, adverts promoting huge absorbencies, and more importantly the promotion of ...
The group tested a variety of styles, sizes (UK 6 – 18) and absorbencies throughout one actual period which ranged in length for each volunteer. They rated them for comfort, breathability and ...
They come in a wide range of absorbencies, to suit all flows. They’re lasting well, feeling like new after multiple washes. They’re made primarily from Tencel fabric, which claims to be eco ...
Good Housekeeping UK on MSN10mon
Your guide to an eco-friendly period
Available in a range of sizes, fits and absorbencies, they'll last approximately two years and should be washed after each ...
As everyone’s flow is different, we’d advise experimenting, if you can, with different absorbencies, as well as trying them out for different activities (overnight, going out, during exercise).