A number of people, largely women, are unhappy with Bumble right now, using social media to criticize new ads that poke fun ...
If all that sounds very healthy and reasonable, it’s probably because, well, it is. While there might have been a time when ...
California’s Medicaid program is testing a novel approach for people addicted to methamphetamine, cocaine and other ...
Comedian Hope Woodard, the comedian who coined the “boysober” dating term, told The New York Times that opting out of dating ...
A group of doctors and scientists is getting behind the controversial idea that people can be addicted to certain trigger ...
With the new Amy Winehouse biopic "Back to Black" in U.S. theaters as of May 17, 2024, the late singer's relationship with ...
As college students wrap up the year, many reflect on what they learned in the classroom and what it means for their lives.
This mindful drinking trend is gaining traction too, which is more about moderation, not total abstinence, Becker said.
That alcohol and exercise don’t mix will be news to no one who’s ever performed a burpee on a hangover. But as a growing ...
Bumble has fumbled, working quickly fix the damage caused by an ad campaign that pokes fun at celibacy and abstinence as a long-term dating solution. The company apologized for the blunder on ...
Hazel Mahazzard opened up about marking a year of no sexual activity. The DJ planned a photoshoot to celebrate the milestone, ...
The city of San Francisco, California, is spending 5 million per year on a program that involves providing alcohol to ...