Billy Idol discussed being "California sober" and occasionally having a glass of wine after struggling with drug addiction in ...
The surge of endorphins and other happiness-inducing hormones related to sexual activity, such as dopamine play a pivotal ...
Some doctors are warning that while cannabis has legitimate uses, it can also be misused, with debilitating side effects.
On the other hand, many approaches to self-control—particularly in the area of addiction—focus on abstinence. Avoiding a substance altogether is the cornerstone of 12-step programs like AA ...
Mike Tyson is clearly taking his fight with Jake Paul seriously as he detailed elements of his training regime, which he says ...
"It took a long time, but gradually I did achieve some sort of discipline where I'm not really the same kind of guy I was in the '80s," Billy Idol said.
Billy Idol, one of SunFest's leading acts as the music and arts fest kicks off on Friday, May 3, is being candid about being ...
Abstinence until marriage has emerged as a primary policy goal in efforts to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health--in the United States and increasingly world-wide. While few would ...
Opinion: Tennessee must uphold a curriculum that accurately reflects human development and respects students' rights to comprehensive education.
A 35-year-old grabbed his ex-partner by the neck and shut her hand in a car door after she took their children to visit him ...
Do programs conflate gender stereotypes with scientific fact (e.g., in reviews of abstinence-only programs, content was said to undermine girls' achievements, make statements that girls are ...