What Term Is Used for the Traditional Multicourse Japanese Dinner?
It's the weekly news quiz - how closely have you been paying attention to what's been going on in the world over the past seven days? Some mobile users may experience difficulties. If you cannot ...
Worse rental car company in the US, used many different companies never had a problem, they lie to you in order to make you purchase insurance. When you arrive to pick up the car they make it ...
What can go in my blue bin? The answer — and even the bin color — can be different from one neighborhood to the next, so we’ll try to help curb the confusion. Most U.S. residents who have ...
What looks like a Sinclair ZX81 but runs Forth? If you said a Jupiter ACE, you get a gold star. These are rare because ordinary people in 1982 didn’t want Forth, so only about 5,000 of the ...
If Frankenstein is one of the books you lie about reading, you probably got this question wrong. Many people who don’t know the full story assume Frankenstein is the name of the monster, but it ...
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition that affects about one in three adults in Western countries. It often comes with no symptoms yet significantly increases a person ...
See if you can name this current or former footballer from the clues we've given you. If you don't get it right first time, just press play again to have another go. And if you really can't get ...
Capcom is discontinuing its Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection, which combines the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. The bundle will no longer be available ...
We want to acknowledge a special group of students making a big impact in Greenville County.These students are the "unsung heroes" who work quietly in the background, not seeking fame.This week ...