Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the cross, and how to approach the sacraments; that is ...
Originally designed to enlighten and educate, the AI priest went rogue, offering users unexpected and sometimes outlandish ...
Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of May is for the formation of men and women religious and for seminarians.
An AI priest was defrocked just days after its inception after the chatbot repeatedly claimed to users that it was a real ...
Every single time a priest celebrating the daily 7 a.m. Mass in the side chapel finished the Gospel reading and began his ...
There is, however, a deeper reason that we should go to church than just that the Bible commands us to. We go to church ...
“Such as?” Pelini asked. “The sacraments, baptisms, marriages, saying public masses, confessions” and other things, Bouchard said. “There are a lot of things that a priest would be able to do whether ...
In his presentation to the priests April 30, Father Routhier said that while the Second Vatican Council did not issue a document specifically on parishes, its 1965 Decree on the Apostolate of the ...
In what appears to be a controversial action that may contradict Vatican guidelines, a former Methodist minister and her partner were given a blessing for their same-sex union by a Catholic priest at ...
Catholics in the United Kingdom that are part of the personal ordinariate have welcomed Pope Francis’ appointment of their ...
The Archdiocese of Baltimore has proposed a plan to close several of these sanctuaries in Baltimore, including mine, where I ...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced plans to build a Mormon temple in the Cincinnati area.