Researchers in Switzerland have developed an experimental edible protein gel designed to prevent alcohol from causing ...
A n oral antidote to acute alcohol intoxication has been developed and tested successfully on mice. The hydrogel is ...
A research team at the Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich, has developed a gel that suppresses the effects of alcohol ...
“The gel shifts the breakdown of alcohol from the liver to the digestive tract. In contrast to when alcohol is metabolized in ...
A gel made from milk proteins and gold nanoparticles may prove the ultimate hangover cure – by preventing the dreaded ...
Most alcohol enters the bloodstream via the mucous membrane layer of the stomach and the intestines. These days, the ...
Alcohol is injurious to the health but there may be a gel which can neutralize detrimental impact of liquor, researchers have ...
If you enjoy having a drink with friends every so often but don't want to get drunk, then a new gel may be just what you're ...
The gel intercepts alcohol in the digestive tract, breaking it down into less-toxic acetic acid, thus preventing the ...
Hangovers suck and everybody has their own idea about what it means to be cured of it, but there's a new method which ...
Would you like to have a beer or two, or a glass or three of wine, and not suffer the nasty aftereffects of drinking alcohol?