Precision animal nutrition optimizes livestock diets for health, growth, and environmental sustainability, revolutionizing ...
Dauphin County woman Yeawah Sanu, 50, is being charged with homicide after what police call “gross neglect” of an elderly ...
Yeawah Sanu was out of state at least four times in the weeks leading up to her mother's hospitalization in January and severely neglected her condition, police say.
Hosted on MSN5h
Q&A: Rhabdomyolysis
Acute renal failure. Compartment syndrome. Disseminated intravascular coagulation. Metabolic acidosis. Dyselectrolytemia. These are the possible major complications. Rhabdomyolysis, most commonly ...
Microsoft Start Health on MSN14h
What Is Metformin And Common Side Effects
What is it and what is it used forMetformin is a medicine used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. It helps control blood sugar levels and thus prevent serious complications of diabetes. It is also ...