Bumble has fumbled, working quickly fix the damage caused by an ad campaign that pokes fun at celibacy and abstinence as a long-term dating solution. The company apologized for the blunder on ...
Viviana is a General Partner at Felicis. She brings over twenty years of experience designing and building brand categories for successful cloud/SaaS and enterprise social companies, helping them ...
One of the most annoying aspects of Spotify's free tier is the ads. Every half hour or so, the service injects a bunch of ads that interrupt your listening. There are two ways to get rid of the ...
When users scroll through Facebook, Google or Instagram and come across ads, they are probably not looking to install the app straightaway. But App Store visitors sure are. They are helping users find ...
Riesgo muy bajo para la salud. Con síntomas, la población sensible debe considerar reducir actividades intensas o prolongadas al aire libre.
Conversaciones en un bar de Cannes entre amigos del medio publicitario y del entretenimiento con un creativo sinvergüenza y emprendedor mejor conocido como El Pana (Arrechedera). Desde los tremas ...