Mouth tape is a popular hack to encourage nose breathing while you sleep. We asked experts and conducted extensive research ...
A clinical trial is underway to evaluate the efficacy of Zepbound, a popular weight-loss drug, to also treat obstructive ...
The investigators randomly assigned half of the children with these issues to have their tonsils and adenoids removed, and the other half to undergo ‘watchful waiting’ over a 12 month period.
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea occurs when your child's airways are blocked during sleep. Learn about symptoms and treatments for this sleep disorder.
Adenoids are patches of tissue that are present at the back of the nasal passage (on top of the throat). Many parents confuse ...
Obstructive sleep apnea, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, can have a significant impact on your ...
Parents often find themselves grappling with the health challenges their children face, particularly those related to the ...
In recent weeks people with annoying adenoids and tape measures have explained that the average width of the modern car is ...
Hemolytic streptococci are common in the nasopharynx and nasopharyngeal vegetations. From nasopharyngeal swabs and the surface of the adenoids hemolytic streptococci were recovered in 55%; from the ...
When Weinberg freshman Savannah Hsu enrolled at Northwestern, she never imagined being sick for the first five months. She ...