In many ways, network TV purged its teens some time ago, and perhaps cable is simply following suit. It’s easy to suggest ...
Tiffany Howard took a fortuitous route toward landing a master’s degree at Alabama State University. Howard earned a master’s ...
Smiles Medical Supply informs diabetics about the changes in Medicare eligibility for Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) effective from July 2021, emphasizing the importance of annual physical exams ...
Proof of Concept, an accelerator program supporting women, trans and non-binary filmmakers, sets its inaugural class.
These stories possess an intuitive appeal—social media is relatively new and makes for an easy scapegoat. But adolescence has ...
She drew on her background in science to create Oova, an at-home hormone health monitoring system that gives women crucial ...
Pete Davidson is headed to the Fargo Theatre in July. There will be two performances on July 5. Pete Davidson is a celebrated stand-up comedian, actor, writer and producer. In 2023, Davidson starred ...
"Once Upon a Time" by Elizabeth Beller takes a close look at Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy's life and relationship with John F.
Élevé dans une famille britannique stricte, à l’adolescence il se laisse pousser les cheveux et s’intéresse au rock and roll et au rhythm and blues. En 1962, au grand dam de ses parents, il crée un ...
It’s hard to believe that the Smiths were only together for five years. In addition to four studio albums, they have a handful of compilations, a live LP, and a session with John Peel. The Manchester ...
A French research team investigated cannabis use for self-medication to identify critical factors influencing consumption ...
New research conducted by the Brenhouse Lab reveals how early life adversity triggers early puberty and late-life anxiety, ...