Lampros was a student at New York City’s Fashion Institute of Technology when she met Combs in 1994, a moment she claims ...
To the degree parents can set and manage realistic expectations of adolescent change, they can smooth their parenting way.
Contrary to expectation, a major study found that weed use among minors was lower in states where the drug was legal.
While progress has been made in some areas of improving adolescent well-being, significant challenges persist, placing the ...
Children are to be “prescribed” activities including gardening, fishing and going to museums as part of research aiming to ...
A study has shown teens who display a very important quality during adolescent friendships, go on to be great parents - and ...
New research suggests that mental health disorders may spread within adolescent social networks. The corresponding study was ...
A baby's exposure to air pollution while in the womb is associated with the development of certain mental health problems once the infant reaches adolescence, new research has found. The University of ...
We face critical shortages of child and adolescent psychiatrists and geriatric psychiatrists. How can we maximize the impact ...
The city's refugee-populated areas saw a higher increase in adolescent birth rates. Access to birth control at primary ...
By Priyanjana Pramanik, MSc. In a recent study published in the journal Psychological Medicine , researchers investigate the ...
There is a high prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls in India, reveals a recent review article published in the ...