Another really common invasive pest is the Vine Weevil. They're widespread and primarily live in plant pots, although plants ...
You can also use scented plants to keep them away. Slugs particularly dislike, it's believed, the smell of rosemary, fennel, ...
There are over 270 species of bee in Ireland and the UK and good planting is essential to get different types into your garden. Honeybees, for example, have short tongues so are able to access flowers ...
A gardening enthusiast has shared a list of 31 plants that slugs won't touch, promising a "colourful" outdoor space free from the slimy pests. Slugs are notorious for devouring leaves and leaving ...
Most gardens have some dry shade, at the foot of walls where foundations draw water from the soil, or under eaves where little rain falls. Trees also create dry shade, as their roots take up a lot of ...