According to Dr. John Ratey, yes! Beat stress, lift your mood, fight memory loss, sharpen your intellect, and function better ...
If you’re a beginner runner, you’ve probably heard the advice that you’re running too fast and you need to slow the heck down ...
Want to shed those stubborn pounds? Aerobics is a fantastic exercise that will help boost stamina, increase fitness levels ...
Over the years, people with a genetic condition causing thickening of the heart muscle, known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, have received confusing advice on exercise.
On Monday, the high-end gym chain Equinox introduced a longevity program with a $40,000 annual membership fee.
(Photo courtesy of Metro Editorial Services) The World Health Organization recommends that adults undertake 150 to 300 ...
Aerobic exercises may target your heart the most, but they’re not the only exercises you should focus on for heart health. A complete exercise program for heart health also includes resistance ...
Zone 2 training is based on the theory that running slowly more often can help you run faster. Here, running coaches break ...
So instead of an intense workout, a few of us did a six- to seven-mile distance at a steady "Zone 2" pace. This pace is roughly a seven- to eight-minute mile for us, but it can be much faster for ...
Is it safe to push through your workout as planned, even with a headache, or should you skip it? “Headaches don’t have any one-size-fits-all approach,” says Thomas Pontinen, MD, physician and ...
Mothers juggle a million tasks and fulfil everyone’s needs, but often forget to prioritise their health and well-being. This ...