“Even before we stepped foot on this campus, we knew that our college experience would be like no other, but we made it,” ...
Some of that has been on-course form, but much more of it has been an affliction of a less competitive variety: loneliness. MacIntyre’s Tour status pushed him to move from his native Scotland to ...
Oh, Canada producer David Gonzales says the fact that the film was ready for a Cannes splash was a miracle on a number of ...
The Amity Affliction have announced a big Aussie run for this November, bringing over US horror rock icons Ice Nine Kills to ...
Director Paul Schrader said on Saturday that he knew back in the late 1960s that he and contemporaries in the "New Hollywood" ...
told CNA that palliative care is meant to address “what the whole patient wants during the treatment of an illness,” whether ...
I became good friends with Russell Banks after making Affliction, and my wife and I used to go up to see him every summer for ...
Our new settee just doesn’t sit well. How can we ever cushion the blow?
Our own review (by Nicholas Barber) described the movie as a “sincere but stupefying head-scratcher” and that Schrader, once ...
After a string of hospitalizations for long COVID, Paul Schrader had a realization. “If I’m going to make a film about death, ...
An acclaimed American documentarian who relocated North as a Vietnam draft refugee attempts to set the record straight in one ...
The information provides a temporary sigh of relief for many hunters who fear contracting the infection, which causes holes ...